Sunday, July 6, 2014

Barbie Clothes

My latest endeavor has been to cloth all of my daughter's naked Barbies.  They have clothes, but the clothes Mattel makes border on scandalous (short short skirts and short short dresses, not to mention totally unrealistic profession outfits).  I wanted Barbie to have pants and they hardly ever sell Barbie pants, and I wanted t-shirts and longer skirts and dresses that went at least to the knees.  Thus began my attempts at finding patterns to make Barbie clothes.  I found one at Joannes and got it on sale at a fair price, but was disappointed to find that the pants pattern was not wide enough for Barbie's big hips, even though it was a modern pattern and the pattern claimed it was for Barbie.  So I modified that and went on my way, though I haven't tried any of their shirt patterns yet.  For the shirts I ended up following a tutorial on YouTube.  I don't have a tutorial for you in this post, but check back later and I will get a tutorial up on making the shirts and pants.

I wasn't initially going to make career outfits, but I got tired of wasting good fabric on botched attempts at using the Joanne's pants pattern so I cut up an old teal shirt (and that attempt went right), so from there I made a shirt and Barbie had an ER doctor's outfit.  My daughter loved it.

The next day I tackled a Barbie firefighter outfit.  I ended up making a hat for her too.  I will get a tutorial on hats up at some point so be on the look out.

The Fourth of July was just a day away and I had a scrap of flag fabric so out came 4th of July Barbie.  With her patriotic shirt and firework pants we decided that she was going to be Captain America's daughter.  My daughter loves the super hero dolls as much as she does Barbies.

And finally, it's summer and her Barbies had no casual summer shirts so I made this cute little shirt out of a scrap of fabric.  We dubbed her 'stay at home mom' Barbie because of the wild hair.  All of my fellow stay at home mom friends got a laugh out of it.

This is all I have for now.  My daughter is requesting I turn a Ken doll into a police officer and do another fire fighter uniform for a Ken doll so that firefighter Barbie can have a partner to go to work with.  I also plan on making aviator Barbie and Engineer Barbie.  Keep on the look out for clothing tutorials here in the future.

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